Contact Us

Tell us about the Special Tour you are planning … Marriage Proposal, Anniversary, Birthday Party, Romantic Dinner – what ever it is, we can help you plan it and have it be amazing.

Please use the form below to let us know the details of the special tour you desire to arrange. The Captain or First Mate will get back to you to discuss your request and confirm the details with you. Fields marked with asterisk (*) must be filled in.

Your party cannot exceed 6 people – this is a US Coast Guard regulation that applies to private yacht charters.

Once we agree on the details of the charter payment is required to confirm the agreement. You may cancel up to one week before the date of the charter and receive a full refund. No refund will be given for cancellations within 7 days of the charter date. The charter will be cancelled for weather at the captain’s discretion and only in the case of steady rain or high winds.

Special Request Details

* Indicates required entry

Special Requests: (i.e. wedding proposal, romantic dinner, surprise party, fireworks, etc.) If you need a photographer, advice on the perfect location for a marriage proposal, anything, put it down here in the below message box:

Maximum 250 Characters
boat tour around manhattan